PCx - x86 Emulation Module MS-DOS Drivers and Utilities Release 1.0 Release Notes and Change History Copyright(C) 1996 by Microcode Solutions Written By Jim Drew & Joe Fenton All Rights Reserved Changes ĶĶĶĶĶĶĶ * None - first release Files ĶĶĶĶĶ ŪßßßßßßßßßßßßßŪ Ū PCXANSI.SYS Ū ŪÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜŪ This PCXANSI.SYS is a replacement driver for the one that is shipped with each copy of MS-DOS. ANSI escape sequences are used when you wish to affect the output to the screen device, giving programs control of the screen's cursor, colors, and display modes (an escape sequence is one or more characters preceded by the escape character ASCII 1Bh.) When a program writes and escape sequence to the screen, the screen device translated the sequence into its corresponding action, such as positioning the cursor or changing colors. Refer to the documentation that came with your copy of MS-DOS or type HELP the C:> prompt for a complete list of valid ANSI escape sequences. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Note: Using the PCXANSI.SYS replacement instead of the one supplied with MS-DOS is strongly encouraged, as this will speed up your text display by as much as 1600% ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Usage ĶĶĶĶĶ Enter the following line somewhere (preferable toward the top) in your system's CONFIG.SYS line: DEVICE=C:\PCX\PCXANSI.SYS Reboot your system (The PCx emulation, not the Amiga!) Syntax ĶĶĶĶĶĶ DEVICE=[drive:][path]PCXANSI.SYS [/C] [/I] [/Q] ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Note: Parameters and/or Switches between left and right brackets '[..]' are optional, and not required as they have default values. If you wish to enable a particular Parameter and/or Switch, DO NOT include the brackets as part of the command line. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Parameters ĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶ [drive:][path] Disk drive and directory of where PCXANSI.SYS is located Switches ĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶ /C Enables Key-Clicking (Must have Sound Support enabled) /I Disables Int29h redirection (Enabled by default) /Q Quiet. Disables device driver installation messages Examples ĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶ DEVICE=PCXANSI.SYS DEVICE=C:\PCX\PCXANSI.SYS /C DEVICE=C:\PCX\PCXANSI.SYS /C /Q ŪßßßßßßßßßßßßßßŪ Ū PCXCD.SYS Ū ŪÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜŪ MSCDEX.EXE is a device driver that ships with each copy of MS-DOS. The purpose of this driver is to extend the operation system, so that CD-ROM drives can be assigned a drive letter name. MSCDEX.EXE is intended to work in conjunction with a CD-ROM drive manufacturers' device driver that is custom for that particular device. PCXCD.SYS is the device driver needed by MSCDEX.EXE in order to allow MS-DOS access to CD-ROM drives physically connected to the Amiga. An additional Amiga Device Driver called 'mscd.device' has been created to allow Amiga's to interpret the contents of ISO 9660 and Macintosh HFS formatted CD-ROMs. The power of this driver allows you to specify the Amiga Device that will handle the low-level system calls. This drivers was automatically installed during the installation phase into your Amiga's DEVS: directory. Usage ĶĶĶĶĶ Enter the following line somewhere (preferable toward the top) in your system's CONFIG.SYS line: DEVICE=C:\PCX\PCXCD.SYS /D:PCXCD /U:~ [/I:~~~~~~~~~~] [/Q] Then somewhere in your system's AUTOEXEC.BAT file add: MSCDEX.EXE /D:PCXCD Reboot your system (The PCx emulation, not the Amiga!) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Note: Refer to the documentation that came with your copy of MS-DOS or type HELP the C:> prompt for a complete list of valid parameters/switches for MSCDEX.EXE ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Syntax ĶĶĶĶĶĶ DEVICE=[drive:][path]PCXCD.SYS /U:unit [/I:iodriver] [/N:number] [F:flags] [D:name] [/Q] ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Note: Parameters and/or Switches between left and right brackets '[..]' are optional, and not required as they have default values. If you wish to enable a particular Parameter and/or Switch, DO NOT include the brackets as part of the command line. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Parameters ĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶ [drive:][path] Disk drive and directory of where PCXCD.SYS is located /U:unit The UNIT number that corresponds to the device driver specified above with /I: Switches ĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶ /I:iodriver This switch is required! Name of the Amiga device driver to handle attached CD-ROMs example: scsi.device, gvpscsi.device. Note - the device MUST be the controlling device driver for the CD-ROM drive and not just a higher level driver (like asimcdfs.device is). /D:name This switch is required! Name of the installed device driver (should conform to MSCDEX naming conventions.) We recommend that you use the name 'PCXCD'. /N:number Number of drives attached with this driver. Default is one. /F:flags Amiga device driver flags (if required). Consult the documentation that came with the device driver for its intended values. /Q Quiet. Disables device driver installation messages Examples ĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶ CONFIG.SYS  DEVICE=PCXCD.SYS /D:PCXCD /I:scsi.device /U:2 AUTOEXEC.BAT  MSCDEX.EXE /D:PCXCD CONFIG.SYS  DEVICE=PCXCD.SYS /D:MSCD001 /I:gvpscsi.device /U:4 AUTOEXEC.BAT  MSCDEX.EXE /D:MSCD001 CONFIG.SYS  DEVICE=PCXCD.SYS /D:PCXCD /I:cd.device /U:1 /Q AUTOEXEC.BAT  MSCDEX.EXE /D:PCXCD ŪßßßßßßßßßßßßßŪ Ū PCXASPI.SYS Ū ŪÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜŪ On a real PC, when SCSI support is desired, a SCSI card is added to the system, and device drivers for that card are installed. Having many different brands of SCSI cards to choose from, made a SCSI device manufacturer's task very complicated. The reason for the complication is that manufacturers of SCSI devices then, were burdened with supporting different drivers, one for each SCSI card out in the market. Out of this hassle, a specification was created by a leading SCSI card manufacturer that allowed SCSI device manufacturers to supply only one driver ... that complied with the ONE specification! This standard called ASPI (Advanced SCSI Programming Interface) is an Adaptec developed interface specification for sending commands to SCSI host adapters. The interface provides an abstraction layer that insulates the programmer from considerations of the particular host adapter used. With ASPI, software drivers can be broken into two components: the LOW-LEVEL ASPI MANAGER, which is OS and hardware dependent, and the ASPI MODULE. The ASPI Manager accepts ASPI commands and performs the steps necessary to send the SCSI command to the target. For example, although different SCSI cards have different hardware, the ASPI interface to these boards is the same. THE ASPI Module is tailored to the command set of a particular peripheral, such as a CD-ROM. Although an ASPI based CD-ROM driver would have to handle the differences between different CD-ROM drive features, it would not have to handle the host adapter differences. PCXASPI.SYS then, is the low-level ASPI MANAGER device driver that provides the ASPI services needed by ASPI compliant SCSI devices and their prospective ASPI MODULES. Usage ĶĶĶĶĶ Enter the following line somewhere (preferable toward the top) in your system's CONFIG.SYS line: DEVICE=C:\PCX\PCXASPI.SYS /I:~~~~~~~~[~~~] Install any ASPI Modules' device driver AFTER this line in the CONFIG.SYS file that you wish to use. Reboot your system (The PCx emulation, not the Amiga!) Syntax ĶĶĶĶĶĶ DEVICE=[drive:][path]PCXASPI.SYS /I:iodriver[idnums] [...] [/Q] ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Note: Parameters and/or Switches between left and right brackets '[..]' are optional, and not required as they have default values. If you wish to enable a particular Parameter and/or Switch, DO NOT include the brackets as part of the command line. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Parameters ĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶ [drive:][path] Disk drive and directory of where PCXASPI.SYS is located /I:iodriver[idnums] Name of the Amiga device driver to handle the SCSI direct commands (eg. scsi.device). The idnums is optionally used to only allow certain SCSI ID numbers from even being seen on the SCSI bus by the ASPI manager. This is useful if you would like to ensure that a SCSI hard disk doesn't accidently get formatted! The idnums should be specified as digits between the left and right brackets. *** THE BRACKETS IN THIS CASE ARE REQUIRED *** [...] Indicates that a Second Host adapter can be emulated, and simply replicate the /I: entry as above, except with a different Amiga device driver (since it must be a separate SCSI bus) Switches ĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶ /Q Quiet. Disables device driver installation messages Examples ĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶ DEVICE=PCXASPI.SYS /I:scsi.device DEVICE=PCXASPI.SYS /I:scsi.device[0246] DEVICE=PCXASPI.SYS /I:scsi.device[0246] /I:gvpscsi.device[1357] ŪßßßßßßßßßßßßßŪ Ū PCXSCAN.EXE Ū ŪÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜŪ PCXSCAN.EXE is an MS-DOS application that makes some ASPI calls to scan the SCSI bus(es) on your system. Running this program is a way to check that the devices connected to your SCSI bus are properly recognized. When this program first starts running, the screen will display the first host adapter configured on your system. Then, the program will automatically begin scanning the first SCSI bus, and report on the various devices connected to it. If you have a second adapter configured, you can press the 'N' key to scan the next SCSI bus. The display is fairly self explanatory, however, the one indicator that is not so easily understood, is the ID and LUN numbers. Based on the SCSI ID MASK that was specified during PCXASPI.SYS's initialization, those SCSI ID's that ARE recognized, show up in blue. Those that are NOT RECOGNIZED show up in gray. Pressing the 'ESC' key will exit the program. Usage ĶĶĶĶĶ Type the following at the C:> prompt: C:>PCXSCAN ŪßßßßßßßßßßßßßßŪ Ū PCXBENCH.EXE Ū ŪÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜŪ PCXBENCH.EXE is an MS-DOS application that tests system performance by running a series of tests, and timing them on two different timers. The timers used are the Real Time Clock, and the BIOS Ticks (18.2/Sec) that exist on all PC's. When this program first starts running, the screen will display a menu that presents the tests you wish to run. Valid tests are displayed in black, while the disabled (not implemented) tests are done in light grey. Upon the conclusion of the particular test, a bar-graph is displayed, along with some numbers reflecting the results of the timings. For more information on the numbers meaning, press the F1 key when the graph is being displayed. To exit the program, press the ESC key from the main menu. Usage ĶĶĶĶĶ Type the following at the C:> prompt: C:>PCXBENCH Release History ĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶ File Version Comments ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ PCXANSI.SYS 1.0 ž Initial Release PCXCD.SYS 1.0 ž Initial Release PCXASPI.SYS 1.0 ž Initial Release PCXSCAN.EXE 1.0 ž Initial Release. PCXBENCH.EXE 1.0 ž Initial Release. Only has the text video tests implemented.